Hire employees and manage payroll in Finland

Our guide to employing in Finland.

Country Facts

The Republic of Finland. It is a member of the UN, the OECD, the EU and the Eurozone, as well as being involved in the NATO partnership for peace and the Euro-atlantic partnership council.

Finland’s nominal GDP is 277 billion dollars, making it the world’s 43rd largest economy. It’s Human Development Index is at 0.931, which ranks as very high, with a global ranking of 11th. Finland is a regular top performer in metrics of national performers. For example, between 2011-2015 they were ranked as the most stable country in the world in the Fragile State Index and since 2018 they have continually been ranked as the happiest country in the world.





Euro (EUR)

Languages spoken

Finnish, Swedish

Population size (2020)

5,53 million

Ease of doing business (world bank ranking)


Cost of living index(2021)


Payroll frequency


VAT - standard rate


GDP - real growth rate(2020)


Employing in Finland

Employing in Finland comes with a variety of rights and obligations for the employer.

The employer’s obligations are in general about maintaining a healthy workplace environment, equality and the general well-being of the employee. These are informed through collective agreements and legislation.

When dealing with Finnish authorities, in certain instances official documents must be written in one of Finland’s official languages (Finnish or Swedish).

If an employee does not have a written contract (which is not obligatory, although customary), the employer must still describe in writing his/her employment terms. This writing must include:

  • Main work duties

  • Duration of contract if fixed-term

  • Probationary period (if applicable)

  • What collective agreement applies

  • Salary and pay terms

  • Working hours and holidays

  • Notice period

The employer must provide statutory insurance for its employees and pay for such insurances. (This includes employment pension insurance, accident insurance, group life insurance, unemployment insurance contribution, and social insurance premium.)

The employer must also provide an “annual wage slip” which details the sum of salary paid over the year as well as related taxes. In addition to this the employer must also inform the tax administration about their payroll on a monthly and annual basis. Finally employers must pay for employees occupational healthcare.

List of Public Holidays - 2024

Date Holiday Name

1 January

New Years Day

6 January


29 Mars

Good Friday

31 Mars

Easter Sunday

1 April

Easter Monday

1 May

May Day

9 May

Ascension day

19 May

Whit Sunday

21 June

Midsummer Eve

22 June

Midsummer Day

2 November

All Saints Day

6 December

Independence Day

24 December

Christmas Eve

25 December

Christmas Day

26 December

2nd Day of Christmas

City image of Finland

Minimum wage

There is no minimum wage in Finland. Collective agreements cover most employees which specifies the minimum pay rates for various sectors. The employer must give the employee a calculation which indicates the amount of pay the grounds for determination.

Salary payouts

Finland has a monthly payroll frequency, usually paid on the last day of each month. There is also a 13th month salary payout, which is usually paid out before the employee’s holiday.

A standard workweek in Finland is 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week. All working hours that exceed this number are to be paid as overtime and are regulated by the employment contract/collective agreements. It must also be mutually agreed upon before the commencement of any overtime working hours. 138 overtime hours over a four month period (and 250 hours annually) is usually the maximum limit. The first two hours are usually paid at 150% of the regular salary rate and 200% for subsequent hours. Overtime work on weekends/sundays/rest days are paid at 200%.

Taxes in Finland

Learn how employment taxes and statutory fees affect your payroll and your employees’ paychecks in Finland.


Corporate income tax rate : 20%

Pension insurance : 16,95%

Health insurance : 1,53%

Unemployment insurance: 0,05% (1,90% for the part of the salary amount that exceeds 2,169,000 EUR per year)

Total cost for employer : 18,53% to 20,38%


Pension insurance : 7,15% (8,65% if the employee is between 53-62 years old)

Health insurance : 0,68% (1,86% for salary above 14,766 euro)

Unemployment insurance : 1,40%

Total cost for employee : 9,59% to 10,73%

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Internago offers subsidiary management, HR and international payroll services combined with international payroll software and professional business advisory services.

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